Walking to Fix Our Democracy stops in Blanca, Fort Garland

Diane Drekmann
Posted 9/29/23

BLANCA-FORT GARLAND — Many people today are unhappy with the government and the current situation in this country. One 81-year-old man, Rick Hubbard decided to try and make a difference by walking across the United States, "Walking to Fix Our Democracy."

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Walking to Fix Our Democracy stops in Blanca, Fort Garland


BLANCA-FORT GARLAND — Many people today are unhappy with the government and the current situation in this country. One 81-year-old man, Rick Hubbard decided to try and make a difference by walking across the United States, "Walking to Fix Our Democracy."

Last week, he walked and talked to people in Blanca and Fort Garland.

Wherever he goes he tries to find out what people feel about the government officials they elected at the state or federal level and how satisfied they were with the job they were elected to do.

"Everyone is not satisfied,” Hubbard said. "They don't think our representatives are representing us."

Hubbard became concerned about where the country was heading when he was in his 30s studying law.

The reason Hubbard was motivated to start Walking to Fix Our Democracy and started walking because he "feels things are getting worse and are hurting our nation. If we don't fix (it) it will continue to get worse. We're now in economic servitude. (You) can't help because you're trying to survive yourself. The group that is in a position to help, sit and don't get involved. (It) works against the system."

Hubbard has a website www.fixourdemocracy.us. He has a series of podcasts outlining the specific issues he would like to see addressed, like health care and the economy.

Hubbard does not promote one side or the other. He just “wants what works for all of us. The citizens want government people who work for the people.”

Hubbard would like to see Congress make effective, efficient decisions for the benefit of everyone.

"We need to examine the issues...how we vote...and we need a system that is fair, inclusive, and competitive. Don't get elected just to get re-elected," he said.

Hubbard decides where to walk by "where activists are trying to fix things, which states have the most upside potential." He attends events and legislative sessions.

Hubbard began walking from Pasadena, Calif., on Oct. 1, 2022. He went through California, Nevada, and Arizona. His beloved life partner Sally had a resurgence of cancer in December 2022. He cared for her until her passing in April 2023.

Hubbard resumed his mission and began walking again in August 2023 from Santa Fe, N.M. He passed through Blanca and Fort Garland on Sept. 21 and 22. He hopes to reach Fort Collins in November, return to his home in Vermont for the winter and resume waking in April.

Hubbard plans to go through politically active states like Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and ultimately Washington D.C.

Hubbard hopes "to get to the early primaries in 2024." He travels in an RV he bought in Illinois.

He walks 10 miles a day 5 days a week and relies on volunteers for logistics. Visit his website to see his schedule and find out how a person can become involved to help fix our nation.