Since the New Moon is on Nov. 4, this is a perfect time to observe the sky. When you look in the SSW at 6:45 you can see bright Venus. It's the brightest object in our sky, but it's only visible for about 30 minutes. Then it gets low and our mountains block it.
Before Venus disappears, Jupiter becomes visible in the SSE. It's bright too, but not as bright as Venus. Saturn becomes visible when the sky gets a little darker. The Milky Way is close to Venus, but it doesn't become visible until the sky gets really dark.
Fortunately, daylight savings time ends on Nov. 7, so the dark skies begin an hour earlier and you'll see Venus at 5:45. I really wish that Daylight Savings Time was just a summer event, so it wouldn't go into the fall, too. When the school bus comes through its very dark, so the kids have to get up really early to go to school. It would be better if it was lighter when they have to get up.
The Leonid Meteor Shower is visible Nov. 6-30. So, you'll be able to see them in two days with a very small moon. It peaks on the 17th and the moon sets around 4 a.m. on the 16th, so you'll be able to go out and observe them in the morning. Unfortunately, they only have 10 per hour. Also on Nov. 12, the moon sets at midnight, so you could get up and look then. Just look in the SW for them.
Jupiter and Saturn are sitting in the constellation Capricorns' the Sea Goat. So, when you see them, you'll be able to see the constellation, too. It's a large V and sits in the southern sky. Unfortunately, it's one of the fainter constellations in our sky. So, when you look at the planets, see if you can notice the constellation, too.