Letter to Editor: Costilla County Assessor Aragon seeks re-election



Thomas Aragon is seeking reelection and issued this statement:

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for re-election as the Costilla County Assessor. I have been a public servant to the Costilla County taxpayers for over eighteen years.

It is vital that an experienced candidate is elected to this office for the financial budget stability of the entire county and taxing entities within the county such as our schools, fire protection, ambulance, etc. 

It is equally important that an experienced Assessor ensures fair and equitable values for the taxpayers of the County. 

Together with my staff, we have built an educated, technologically advanced working system in the office for efficiency of workflow and database organization. 

We have established an online mapping system that benefits the County offices, Sherriff, Emergency Management, as well as the public.

I wish to continue assisting with building and advancing the County for the future. I graciously ask for your support in the 2022 County Assembly, Primary, and General Elections.

Please feel free to contact me at TAragon4Assessor@gmail.com if you would like to visit with me about my campaign.

Thomas Aragon

Costilla County