It looks like the weather is on a rampage once again across the U.S.A. as the week opens up with rains on the West Coast setting records for amounts received plus snow in the Northeast piling up like leftovers at the church pot-luck dinner which, even though good at the time, begin to smell if allowed to accumulate for too long.
For those of you that follow along on the “great adventure” also known as cohabiting with Ol’ Dutch, you know we have had some experience with “the great tribulation”. Which is also related to living without heat and hot water.
This past week has definitely been a trial of my faith and all things holy.
This past week has definitely been a trial of my faith and all things holy.
This week has dawned frigid with a biting wind and those conditions usually drive even Ol’ Dutch inside for a while. And this time was no different as an Arctic blast of super cold air has seen fit to invade the heartland of America bringing a lot of snow and ice and wind
The New Year dawned on Miss Trixie and me in Texas with its usual fanfare for us to be healthy and safe.
The New Year dawned on Miss Trixie and me in Texas with its usual fanfare for us to be healthy and safe.
You don’t have to watch much television before you come across the advertisements for emergency devices for the elderly in case they fall. We have all seen those ads and generally feature an old lady falling down her basement stairs trying to get to her washing machine.
Just this past weekend Ol’ Dutch decided to make the long journey up to Kansas and some of my past digs to see family.
According to Google, the phrase “cash is king” originated after the stock market crash of 1987. Just goes to show you that Google doesn’t know everything because Ol’ Dutch knew long ago that anyone with cash in any situation has a distinct advantage over others who do not.
The phrase “seeing the elephant” is a distinct piece of American verbiage that dates to the 1830’s and describes gaining knowledge from a particular experience. It was like going to town to see an elephant which had long been heard of but never seen to that point in a person’s life.
Many of you probably remember the movie “The Great Escape” produced back in 1963 and had a star-studded cast like no other films before or since. Steve McQueen was the main protagonist in the movie and his motorcycle stunts are still talked about today.
For those of you who follow Ol’ Dutch and Miss Trixie on their weekly adventures, you know there is never a dull moment. And just like the character Roseanne Roseannadanna, who was played by the great Gilda Radner, used to say, “it's always something.”
It appears that another summer season has come to a close for Ol’ Dutch and Miss Trixie, and what a season it was indeed. It started out like a Kansas tornado and never stopped until just this last Saturday with the end of elk and bear season. No matter the long-winded promises by Miss Trixie all last winter about “taking time for ourselves” and “not overpromising to others,” she hit the ground running and, even short of breath due to the altitude, we soon were immersed in everything Colorado and more.
Now, most of you don't know that my Miss Trixie was friends with Lady Bird Johnson, former First Lady of these great United States and the widow of our 36th President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Miss Trixie knew Mrs. Johnson long after LBJ died, of course, but she still heard stories from Mrs. Johnson and other alums from the Johnson administration.
I think most of you can relate to the use — and probably overuse — of Facebook by most people. As soon as you log in, Facebook asks “What’s on your mind” as a daily reminder to post any and everything that crosses the old noggin. And the main problem is people will tell you.
I realize you have to be a tad older to recall the phrase “I know nothing …NOTHING!” made popular on a sitcom called “Hogan’s Heroes.” “Hogan’s Heroes” was a weekly show about some Allied prisoners of war in a German camp whereby the prisoners got by with all kinds of sabotage and mischief right under their captors' noses. The goofy Kommandant Klink ran the POW camp aided by his trusty yet bumbling Sergeant Schultz.
Anyone that knows anything about Miss Trixie can tell you that she is a whirlwind of activity all year long. I guarantee you, the grass never grows under her feet for very long if she can help it.
I am sure if you ever played tag you have heard the phrase “ready or not.” The way it worked was all the players in the game would run away and hide somewhere and the person that was “it” would count to ten or whatever and then look up and say ready or not here I come. What followed was a hectic search for those who had hidden.
As soon as you read BYOB, I bet you thought Ol’ Dutch had fallen off the wagon and was suggesting that you “Bring Your Own Booze” to some pending future social event. And that is what the acronym has meant probably since Jesus turned the water into wine as He only did that once leaving future weddings on the dry side unless someone snuck in a fifth.